Healing Heart

leaning into Grief


Hi, I’m Maria

“Grief is like the ocean; it comes in waves ebbing and flowing. Sometimes, calm, and sometimes it is overwhelming. All we can do is learn to swim.” 

Hi! I’m Maria, a bereaved mom and a Certified Grief Educator.

The passing of my oldest son pulled me into an unfamiliar world of despair. Dealing with unpredictable emotions, and people rushing me to ‘get over it.”

But it’s far from simple. It’s a journey marked by confusion and isolation.

Yet, amidst this turbulence, I’ve discovered a profound truth: your grief journey is uniquely yours. No timelines, no set paths—it’s deeply personal. This sparked an unshakable purpose: to reshape how we perceive grief.

Drawing from my experience, I’ve crafted invaluable strategies and tools to navigate the grief journey.

As a grief coach, I aim to meet you where you are. Offering a safe space free from external pressures, I guide you through the ebbs and flows, towards your inner peace.

My Gift to you

Grief isn’t Something to be solved…..

Grief is not something that can be solved like a puzzle; it’s a complex journey. The path is not always straightforward, but rather a landscape filled with twists and turns. There may be moments of deep sadness and feelings of hopelessness, but there will also be moments of hope and joy.

Welcome to a safe space where you can express yourself freely without fear of being judged. My workshops and Healing Heart Whisper program are specifically designed to create a safe space where you can share your emotions and stories.

I’m here to support you when you are ready. You hold the wisdom to navigate your grief in your way.

With love,

One on One Support

You are grieving and want someone who hears you.

As a holistic Grief Coach, my approach centers on your emotional, mental, physical and spiritual well-being.

There is no right or wrong way to grieve, only your way.

I gently guide you to discover your unique way of expressing your grief in a nonjudgemental way.

Group Coaching

a safe space where you’re not alone in your journey. Guided by compassion to express yourself without judgment.

It’s not about “fixing” grief it’s about embracing self-compassion and discovering peace of mind.

This isn’t a typical coaching. Your feelings matter deeply, and your voice will be heard. Your pain will be acknowledged.


Release the coulda, shoulda, woulda

This is a space for all who have felt the heaviness of “the what ifs, the coulda, shoulda, would haves and the if only.”

It’s releasing the regret and guilt


Want to stay in the loop – [email protected]




Grief affects all aspects of your life.
Listen in.

Hope and support to lead an imperfect life through a grieving heart.

Understanding the flow and mindset of grief.

Is this right for you

Book a 15-minute Grief Escape Call.